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Shakespeare quote forces TV presenter to quit

Step 1 – TV presenter tweets using a quote from Shakespeare. Step 2 – One person complains to the presenter’s bosses that the quote is…

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10000宽带测速- 坚果海外加速器

The Visigrad Group is a bloc of central European countries which have close ties with one another for the purposes of advancing military, cultural, economic…

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Tens of thousands of citizens have been taking to the streets of a capital in protest against reforms imposed by their discredited and deeply unpopular…

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Switch免费游戏《Ninjala》预载开启!6月25日解锁 – ssr节点:提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 Switch免费多人对战游戏《Ninjala》今天(6月18日)已经开启了预载,玩家伔已经可众前往各个区服的eShop区服进行下载,并将于6月25日正式开战。

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Media giant taken down by US schoolboy

Nicholas Sandmann and Nathan Phillips briefly become household names last January when a video clip was broadcast around the world as well as going viral…

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Tribunal rules on vegan landmark case

A Norwich unemployment tribunal has announced a landmark ruling on case of a vegan sacked by his employers. The judge concluded ethical veganism is a…

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Bank acts to stop speaking tour of Australia

The multi-national Australia and New Zealand Banking Group has effectively prevented a speaking tour of Australia by a British politician. It might appear to any…

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10000宽带测速- 坚果海外加速器

The under-achievement of white working class boys in England is well documented. They are the lowest academic achievers at the age of 16 for any…

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Private aid to migrants brings no safety gain.

From the Free West Media website A recent study has concluded that private aid to illegal migrants in the Mediterranean does not increase safety for…

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David Bellamy – self confessed climate change heretic dies

The legendary naturalist and broadcaster David Bellamy has died at the age of 86. Once a familiar face on tv, his broadcasting career which spanned…

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